Silent Awakenings
“In our dynamic, goal-oriented world, we don’t usually spend much time or attention cultivating silence, but it has been my experience that learning to surrender to this quality of awareness nurtures all aspects of life – including our environment, our body, our relationships, our creative expression, our heart, and soul.” ~David Simon
An Inward Journey Inspired by Dr. David Simon
featuring Deepak Chopra and Brent BecVar
September 4–8, 2012 | Asilomar, Monterey Bay, California
Silent Awakenings is a 5-day journey within inspired by the teachings and writing of Chopra Center co-founder David Simon. Held in the serene, beachfront lodge of Asilomar in Northern California’s beautiful Monterey Peninsula, this retreat is designed specifically for experienced meditators who want to spend an extended period in silence, deepening their meditation practice and awakening to the beauty and richness of their own internal life.
Led by Deepak Chopra, Brent BecVar, and Amanda Ringnalda, Silent Awakenings is unlike any event the Chopra Center has ever created. The silent community creates a supportive environment in which you can have the most deeply personal experience of your inner self and wisdom.
Away from the demands and noise of everyday life, your mind and body can quiet and settle into their own natural rhythms. We will guide you through group meditations, yoga sessions, walking meditations, and journaling. You will have abundant time to relax under the wide sky and listen to the rolling ocean waves. This is a unique opportunity to go beyond your usual practices into an extended experience of silence and contemplation that will help you be more present for your own life.
The entire retreat will be held in deep silence, with the exception of the time we will spend together each evening at a satsang led by Deepak. A satsang is a community gathering where people share wisdom on their spiritual journey.
Each day of the retreat will be dedicated to one of the themes presented in David Simon’s forthcoming book, The Five Awakenings. The five awakenings are silence, nature, love, healing, and dharma. The evening satsang will focus on the theme for the day
"Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence." ~ Deepak Chopra
Who will benefit from this retreat?
Silent Awakenings is for committed Primordial Sound Meditation practitioners who want to take their meditation and spiritual awareness to a deeper level. A silent retreat isn’t suited for everyone, yet for those who are ready to take a deep inward journey, many gifts await.
Silent Awakenings is perfect for anyone who wants to:
• Experience a mindfulness retreat in a beautiful nature setting
• Step away from life’s demands and engage in deep reflection
• Engage in an extended experience of personal contemplation and rejuvenation
• Awaken to their essential spiritual nature
• Expand and deepen their meditation practice
What is a typical day like at Silent Awakenings?
Your day will follow a basic structure. The meditations will be led by Deepak and the Chopra Center’s master educators.
• Sunrise meditation
• Yoga (indoor and outdoor classes available)
• Breakfast
• Group meditation (indoors)
• Lunch
• Time to journal and take guided nature walks with Brent BecVar
• Yoga
• Meditation
• Dinner
• Satsang and meditation with Deepak
Are meals included?
• Yes, three delectable meals are included and served each day. The food is simple and fresh, with a delicious choice of dishes to support and enliven your body, mind, and spirit during your retreat. Daily menus highlight seasonal produce procured directly from local organic farmers. Vegetarian and vegan options will be available. Asilomar can accommodate some food allergies; please share any concerns with your Program Consultant.
What are the accommodations like at Asilomar?
• The accommodations are rustic and comfortable, perfect for anyone dedicated to rest and reflection. In keeping with this tradition, guest rooms are free of modern-day distractions such as telephones and televisions. For more information, please go to visitasilomar.com.
What happens during personal time?
• You will have time every day to be alone. You can exercise, journal, walk on the beach or do anything that is nurturing for your experience.
Who Can Attend?
Silent Awakenings is an advanced retreat, limited to 150 guests with the following prerequisites:
• Guests must have previously attended a Chopra Center event and received instruction in Primordial Sound Meditation, including their personal mantra.
• For at least six months prior to the event, participants need to have a practice of meditating twice a day, with one of daily meditations lasting a minimum of thirty minutes.
• At least one day a month for the three months prior to the event, guests need to honor a day of silence.
• Participants must agree to turn off mobile phones and computers during the entire event. In your welcome packet, you will receive an emergency contact number to give to friends and family in case they need to reach you during the retreat.
• Guests at Silent Awakenings need to practice and be familiar with the yoga Sun Salutation series.
• Before attending Silent Awakenings, we ask participants to review and become familiar with Brent BecVar’s informational video On Silence (available soon).
September 4–8, 2012 | Asilomar Retreat Center, Monterey Bay, California
Check-in: Monday, September 3 – dinner included
Check-out: Sunday, September 9 – breakfast and lunch included
Details | FAQ | Dates | Pricing | Staff and Guest Speakers | Enroll Now
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Request more info | 888.736.6895 | learn@chopra.com
Silent Awakenings is an all-inclusive package that includes:
Six nights’ accommodations at Asilomar
Three freshly prepared meals Tuesday through Saturday (as well as dinner on Monday evening and breakfast and lunch on Sunday)
Check-in for the event is Monday, September 3. We highly encourage all guests to spend Saturday night at Asilomar to allow time to gently transition from your silent experience before you return home. The retreat officially ends on Saturday afternoon but we will have a meditation on Saturday evening and Sunday morning and your breakfast and lunch on Sunday are included in the all-inclusive package.
All-Inclusive Packages*
Single room: $2,775 Special Premiere Pricing! Expires Jan. 31.
Standard Price: $3,775
Double Occupancy: $2,575
Standard Price: $3,375
*Cancelation Policy: There is a $1,200 non-refundable fee for any cancelation or transfer of enrollment after July 1, 2012.
Extend your stay and enjoy beautiful Monterey!
We have arranged discounted rates at Asilomar for guests who want to come up three days early and/or stay a few days after the retreat to take advantage of the many sights and activities the Monterey Bay has to offer, including:
• The world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium
• Scuba diving, hiking, and bay cruises
• Carmel’s fine restaurants and unique shops
• Championship golf courses like Pebble Beach, Spyglass, and the links at Spanish Bay
• Big Sur’s wild coast
• Pacific Grove’s Monarch butterfly migration point
• Beautiful redwood groves
• John Steinbeck’s original home and Cannery Road