
My Transformation Circles

"Pure knowledge, unboundedness, perfect balance, infinite silence, invincibility, simplicity and bliss..this is our essential nature." -Deepak Chopra the natural state of our being. It is the inner potentiality that we all possess. Living our pure potentiality, means learning how to live in that bliss in every moment of our lives. Every moment of your life, can be a moment you live for. Instead of looking forward to vacations, and holidays, you will look forward to every moment. You will wake up in the morning feeling infinite gratitude for having the ability to be alive. When you adapt that mindset, it transforms your entire outlook on life, to feeling bliss in all you were always meant to. Loving all, everyone, and yourself allows you to feel bliss at all times...for when you are in love with life, you are basking in the deep essence within, that is your pure potentiality. Take a walk....sip tea near the something just because it is simple and enjoyable...and while you are basking in these moments, reflect on all the things within you that could be brought to the service with a simple shift in attitude. Re-align your internal being by recognizing the potential of every day....the air you breathe, the warm water from the shower, the softness of the pillow.....and it will no longer be a task to achieve bliss in every given will simply "be" Bliss.

"We constantly seek the approval of is therefore fear based" -Deepak Chopra

There is a spreading belief among the mass that we "need" each others approval....that we are only as good as those that can judge us. This is a false reality. Due to media, (TV, movies, the news) and all other forms of mental brainwashing we encounter on a daily basis, we have trained our minds to think we are less then divine and only good enough if we have the, "approval" of society, peers, or parents. The reality is..we don't need anyone's approval but our own. When we our happy with ourselves we are blissful and young at heart. The young children of this planet don't judge one another, for when they are on the playground together all they find is another playful soul, wishing to experience fun in its simplicity. They are not worried about what clothes they are wearing, or what car their parents drive....they do not seek approval, they simply "Are"....they live in the moment, understanding one truth.....their imagination is their greatest quality, and every other child they come into contact with that can partake in that cosmic field of worth sharing that small moment in life with. Be as a child....approve of yourself, and all others for whatever it is they you can play this lifetime

Information on Workshop:

"Through Transformation, one can create a balanced Personal Life, Community and World around us."

Come join us Sunday, November 13th from 2:00 to 5:00PM at the La Costa Resort and Spa Conference Center across from the Chopra Center for The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Transformation Circles; featuring The Law of Dharma. Learn the tools to help you manifest your intentions and desires.

Adopted from the best-selling book by famed Dr. Deepak Chopra, this workshop will help you connect with your life on a deeper level. Through the practice of these laws, you will be able to create affluence and abundance for yourself and others, have better relationships and live the life you love. The workshop will include readings of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success followed by a guided discussion group. The course will conclude with meditation techniques, a guided meditation, and closing circle.

Tuition is $25 with advance registration and $30 at the door which includes the book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Dr. Deepak Chopra, as well as the Transformation Circles Companion Guide. All attendees of the workshop will receive a special 15% discount at the Chopra Center Store, valid the day of the workshop (excludes jewelry).

Contact Information:

My Transformation Circles
Founder Irene Margolis