
Deepak Interview in Playboy

Deepak Chopra has arguably been the most public face of the New Age movement in America. A physician, public speaker and spiritual advisor to celebrities like Michael Jackson, he is the author of 57 books (including the number one best-sellers Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success), which together have sold more than 30 million copies. Drawing on elements of Eastern and Western spirituality, metaphysics, medicine and science, with dashes of self-help and happiness psychology, Chopra has become a sort of Lao-tzu for the iPod generation. His “simple yet powerful” principles mostly involve ridding oneself of negative emotions to transcend the obstacles that afflict body and mind. Strip away selfish conditioning, he says, and we can discover our true purpose in life. Skeptics scoff at his fuzzy language and poke holes in the quantum theories he invokes, yet Chopra’s message of hope spreads like galactic dust via book, blog, e-mail and Twitter feed.

To read the full interview, click here!