Our certified meditation instructors have the knowledge and skills to teach Primordial Sound Meditation, the most powerful tool we have for experiencing the profound peace and expanded awareness that lies beyond the mind’s noisy thought traffic.
Our Chopra Center–certified instructors complete a rigorous two-part training program designed by Deepak Chopra and David Simon, where they learn the true principles of yoga and conscious living. When you take a Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga class, your teacher will help you infuse your practice with spirit and bring the Seven Laws into action in your daily life.
The Perfect Health course offers a five-step exploration of mind-body medicine and Ayurveda. The course is designed for the general public who have had little or no previous understanding of these concepts. Each of the five lessons includes instruction in the practical tools and techniques of mind-body medicine that participants can immediately begin using in their daily lives.
To connect with a teacher in your area, click here.