
Last Chance for Secrets of Enlightenment in 2010!

What is Secrets of Enlightenment?
This premier 4-day workshop expands on the writings in Dr. Deepak Chopra's best selling publication The Book of Secrets. You will explore the subtle yet powerful clues that guide us on our path toward freedom.

Who should go?
Those looking to incorporate the understanding of enlightened sages from around the world, and consider:

You are not in the world; the world is in you.
The cause of all suffering is not knowing the true nature of reality.
You are a multi-dimensional being living life simultaneously on many levels.
The cosmic mind expresses itself through your individual thoughts.
You cannot be truly free as long as you think of yourself as a person.
The deeper you go, the more power is available to create anything you desire.
What happens at Secrets of Enlightenment?
Spend intimate morning and afternoon sessions with Deepak in an extraordinary consciousness-expanding experience. Blending deep insights with powerful engaging experiential exercises, Secrets of Enlightenment will transform you with its illumination of the wisdom of the ages as only Deepak can express it.

Those who attend are also immersed in daily meditation, practice body-centered restful awareness, and experience the nurturing powers of healing ayurvedic massage.

Each day guests will dine on delicious ayurvedic vegetarian meals prepared directly from The Chopra Center Cookbook.

What is included?

Delicious ayurvedic vegetarian lunches and dinners each day
An intimate concentration of time with Dr. Deepak Chopra (the most of any Chopra Center event)
Group mind-body sessions with Dr. David Simon
A luxurious ayurvedic massage treatment
Morning Seven Spiritual Laws Of Yoga classes and two daily group meditations