
Free To Love, Free To Heal This Week At La Costa!

“We are innately creative beings capable of writing a love story worth living, and we cannot afford to miss out on the opportunity to experience nourishing relationships.” ~ David Simon

Emotional pain takes many forms: the grief of loss, overwhelming stress and anxiety, major or chronic depression, job burnout, feeling stuck or trapped, heart break, lingering guilt, regret, fear of trusting again, pent-up anger, worry about the future, and shame from the past.

In the face of difficulty, most of us do our best to cope with the situation, hold it together, and keep going, but we often end up carrying emotional pain that we don’t know how to heal or release. The toxic residue of painful experiences gets stored in our emotional heart, limiting our ability to give and receive love.

At the Free to Love workshop, David Simon, M.D. will guide you in a unique five-step process that has helped thousands let go of their pain, find freedom from the past, and rediscover joy and fulfillment in your life. In the safe, loving setting of the Chopra Center, you will be supported and nurtured as you break free from the burden of pain, anger, guilt, and other difficult emotions; forgive yourself and others; and make peace with yourself at last.

Free to Love is an intensive weekend workshop that allows you to reach deep levels of emotional release and healing in a short amount of time. Whether you’ve recently experienced an upsetting event or loss, or you’ve been carrying the burden of old emotional wounds for many years, Free to Love will help you find emotional freedom.