
Deepak Chopra Featured on Oprah

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The Best Aging Secret: Make Time Your Friend
By Deepak Chopra

We've all been conditioned to look upon time as our enemy. This belief is wrong, but it's so deeply ingrained that if affects even the most gifted people. Years ago, I was riding in a car with a woman who had been labeled by the media as one of the most beautiful women in the world. She had everything, since talent and wealth were also hers, but her health tended to be fragile."How can I help you?" I asked her. She looked embarrassed and didn't want to answer. For the next few miles, she gazed wistfully out the window as the passing countryside. Then she blurted out, "How I wish I could be young again."I didn't hear vanity in her words but a helpless wish, the kind any of us might have when we don't think it can be granted. She looked amazed when I replied, "There is a way that you can influence your aging and even begin to look and feel young once again."Such a statement might sound ridiculous unless you understand that aging does not have to be purely a function of time. The clock seems to be ticking off the hours, days and years. Given enough time, the ocean will wear away the shore. But human beings are privileged. Unlike a rock, which cannot defend itself against wind and water, or a machine, whose parts wear out over time, humans have a relationship with time.