
Indulge at The Chopra Center Spa!

Our Ayurvedic spa treatments are based upon centuries-old Ayurvedic therapies that support balance and bliss in your life. The revitalizing and therapeutic treatments offered are customized to your particular needs. Your therapist will use specific oils, herbs, and aromas chosen to provide you with optimal balance and nourishment for your mind-body constitution. All therapies are natural, gentle, and delightfully pleasing.

Our selection of spa therapies is extensive. For a more detailed description of the Ayurvedic treatment that's right for you, please see our Ayurvedic Treatments.

What are the benefits of massage therapy?

Ayurvedic massage is a powerful treatment that heals both physical and emotional pain. Here are just a few of the healing benefits:

Soothe tired, overused muscles
Release endorphins
Improve circulation & lymph flow
Relieve PMS
Lower blood pressure
Enhance immune function
Increase flexibility & range of motion
Rejuvenate the skin
Promote restful sleep
Increase energy
Diminish chronic pain
Relieve stress & anxiety
Eliminate toxins
Stimulate weak muscles
Relieve tension headaches
Improve body awareness
Satisfy need for nurturing touch
Foster peace of mind
My Recommendation:
Abhyanga (abee-yan-ga)

The Abhyanga is a friction massage performed by two therapists in synchrony, utilizing warm herbalized oil and followed by a hot towel treatment. As the oil is massaged into the skin, it penetrates deep into the tissues to loosen toxins (which are fat soluble) at the cellular level. The Abhyanga enhances immunity, increases circulation, and creates deep relaxation in body and mind